5 Sci-Fi Novels That Deserve Film Adaptations (& 5 That Deserve Better)

3. I, Robot - Isaac Asimov

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20th Century Fox

Now, the 2004 movie was an utter atrocity exhibition for a number of goddamn reasons. First and foremost, the product placement. Oh, sweet baby Jesus the product placement. Secondly the acting was just abysmal. Finally, they turned what should have been a sombre, quiet, thoughtful rumination on technology and the human condition and turned into...uch, that.

To be fair to the folk behind this abomination, they didn't exactly have a ton of material to work with - for those of you who aren't familiar, I, Robot isn't a novel by Isaac Asimov, but actually a collection that goes by that name. The story that I, Robot is...somewhat based on is called Little Lost Robot - and only a minuscule amount of elements were actually utilised for the movie.

Before we go any further make yourself familiar with Asimov's laws of robotics, look them up because who on Eath has time to list? Plus, you know, word counts.

Little Lost Robot was actually an analysis of the redundancy and possible limitations of these rules that Asimov himself imposed. As well as that, it explored the possibility, or even likelihood, of robots breaking said rules and eventually gaining what could be perceived as free will. Go ahead and call me a little philosophy nerd if you want, but that's a story that deserves to be explored instead of just another paint by numbers robot action movie.

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Johnny sat by the fire, idly swirling his brandy, flicking through the pages of War and Peace, wondering whether it was pretentious to write his bio in the third person.