There's a place in Hollywood reserved for projects that have a difficult time getting off the ground. It's a black hole of inactivity, a limbo of sorts where a film or television show remains "in development" yet fails to move forward. It's commonly referred to as Development Hell, and is often where exciting projects go to die. Over the years we've seen countless films come to a screeching halt as directors get cold feet or are fired, writers are replaced, and script drafts are completely thrown out the window. Superhero films in particular have had a difficult time starting production, either because a studio refuses to give a greenlight or because it's a difficult project to adapt in the first place. Films like Wonder Woman, The Flash, and Aquaman have been stuck in development hell for ages (though it appears that DC may finally be interested in giving them serious attention). On the Marvel side of things, 20th Century Fox's Daredevil reboot was stuck in development hell for so long that the rights were forfeited back to Marvel Studios; and the Fantastic Four reboot may be in the same boat if cameras don't start rolling soon. I've already written about
10 superhero films that thankfully didn't get made, and
9 that we wish would have been; and now it's time to turn our attention to those that have been "in development" for so long that they're bound to fall off the grid entirely...