5 Suprising Movie Sequels You Never Knew Existed

2. The Two Jakes (1990)

Two Jakes On a serious note, anyone who claims to have even the faintest interest in cinema will concede that Chinatown (1974) is one of the greatest films ever made. Directed by Roman Polanski €“ who was then still in high regard before falling from grace for, you know, stuff €“ and starring Jack Nicholson at the height of his powers, the film was a perfect mix of Greek tragedy, Raymond Chandler-esque noir and the perfect recapturing of the 1940s movies it set to evoke. News that The Two Jakes (1990) was a sequel to be directed by Nicholson himself was met with dismay. Stinking of €˜vanity project€™, nobody was optimistic. However, a cast that also featured Harvey Kietel, Meg Tilly, a superb turn from Madelaine Stowe, brief appearance (voice only) from Faye Dunaway and script from original writer Robert Towne ensured that this was a surprisingly classy outing. The police-station scene where Nicholson confronts the son of the cop who brought the original to an abrupt end is reason enough to watch it. Sadly, if you take Chinatown as your yard-stick you are doomed to failure and The Two Jakes vanished €“ few are aware of this movie€™s existence.

Paul Pencott hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.