5 Things Interstellar's Science Gets Right (And 5 It Doesn't)

4. The Theory Of Relativity

Not only is Kip Thorne a pretty big brainbox when it comes to most aspects of space science, he's actually one of the world's leading theoretical physicists and experts on relativity. You know, that whole concept that Albert Einstein came up with back in the day about how space contracts and time dilates according to the velocity of the observer, that space and time should be considered together and in relation to each other, and that the speed of light never changes. The latter of which really starts to muck things up for the crew in Interstellar. The theory of relativity becomes a huge plot point when it's revealed that the distance the astronauts are travelling, through the wormhole and off into distant worlds, will mean that time will be passing very differently back home - and even when they pop down to that first planet, they lose a few minutes in their own time, while as aboard the ship and back on Earth twenty five years pass. That's all speculation on what could happen based on Einstein's calculations, but also theoretically sound.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/