5 Things Interstellar's Science Gets Right (And 5 It Doesn't)

3. Robots Don't Work Like That

Right now we are making some amazing leaps in robotic technology. Honda have got their ASIMO, who can successfully walk up and down stairs (seriously, getting working joints in a cybernetic being is a big deal). DARPA have got those creepy military robots going, from the spider-like tanks to the metal soldiers who can also leg it across rough terrain like living, breathing troops. There are even those creepy ones that look like people and are programmed to have conversations in the way that humans apparently do. None of those things have quite been perfected, however, which makes the charming, sharp-tongued robots that help out in Interstellar fairly beyond the pale. Obviously the future in Interstellar is, well, in the future - but nothing seen on screen hints that it's so far-flung for humanity to have made such huge leaps in their robotics, to the point that they're crazy transforming things with different levels of humour and honesty, which are quick with the one-liners. Sadly.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/