In news that surprised nobody, earlier this year it was revealed that the multibillion dollar grossing Batman is making his way back to cinemas in the near future. What was a tad more surprising, is the manner of his return and the later revelation of who exactly will be playing the caped crusader. Batman vs Superman will reintroduce Batman to the world, and kick off the wider DC universe in the cinematic form. Of course it remains to be seen how much of Batmans own world we see in this film, which would presumably be more of a Man of Steel sequel, than a Batman movie. Eventually however- perhaps after the JLA- we will get back to Gotham and the solo adventures of The Dark Knight. The new Gotham will have a new Batman, who will be played by the current target of geek ire Ben Affleck. More than enough time and energy has been dedicated to arguing for or against the rather annoyingly dubbed, Batfleck. All I will say on the matter is that Gigli and Daredevil were both rather bad- they are also both ten years old- in the decade since Affleck has successfully rebuilt his career and deserves the opportunity to play one of the biggest roles in the industry. Let go of the past people, its not like J-Lo is going to be Catwoman. Give the guy a chance. So now that Gotham has its new Batman, how exactly should DC and the filmmakers go about rebooting the series? Weve had the gothic and camp Burton/Schuster era and the relatively realistic Nolan trilogy, so maybe its time for a change. Here are five things that a new Batman series should do differently.