5 Things You Didn't Know About Walt Disney

3. Disney Did Quite Well Out Of The Depression

€œOn December 21, 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the first full-length animated film, premiered in Los Angeles. It produced an unimaginable $1.499 million ($184,925,485IMDB), in spite of the Depression, and won a total of eight Oscars.€ Now, it€™d be pretty easy to see this as the precursor to modern-day Disney€™s ambivalence to economic crises, while their crusty executives have cigarettes made of $100 bills and gold leaf, lit with jewel-encrusted Olympic torches held by Aryan eunuchs. However, it could also be seen as a nod towards his tenacity since he€™d already had to declare bankruptcy once when the times were good! However you choose to look at it, the boy did good! In 1937, while most families were choosing their next Hooverville based on square-squattage, Disney€™s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs took to the silver screen. It was his first full-length animated film and, thanks to foreign sales and a cavalier spirit towards capitalism, brought Walt $1.499 million during what people kept telling him was something called a €˜depression€™. He never took much notice though since, after all, what kind of depression can€™t be cured by a tale of murder, misanthropy and a cruel set of parents who labelled their children at birth by either temperament or desired occupation? Exactly! He was doing a public service!
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Walt Disney
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A. J. S. Scott was created as a homunculus by a mad English Alchemist who was trying to make rum from ink and seawater. He is still a fan of both and he has no comment on what happened to all the ‘No Exit’ signs in Islington Underground Station when he visited for Beltaine. You can send him missives by bribing the Right Raven with sour-strings, or: Instagram: @ajsscott Tumblr: andrew-scott-things.tumblr.com