5 Villains The Avengers Should Have Faced Before Ultron

1. Each Other

Cap Vs Ironman Two of Marvel's biggest stories of all time €“ Avengers Disassembled and Civil War €“ are at their core about the eventual internal combustion of Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Internal strife and struggle are a part of any team €“ you can see it in the workplace, on the basketball court, and yes indeed even among fictional superheroes €“ and it's part of the reason why so many successful team-based comic books are brimming with a tension between characters of warring philosophies. Now imagine that playing out on the screen? Actually, you wouldn't really have to think that hard, because a central part of the first movie was the tension bubbling between the individual members. Whether it was the simple issue of trust between SHIELD and the team, or the Two Solitudes-like apprehensions between Tony Stark as a showboating futurist and Steve Rogers as the selfless man out of time, one of the best things about The Avengers was watching the friction between the individual heroes manifest itself throughout the film. And then watching that friction turn into fists between Thor and The Hulk. A Civil War-like Avengers 2 may seem to jump the gun a bit, but the idea of fracturing the team for real before having them unite to take on a larger threat in a follow-up €“ like Ultron or Thanos €“ would have made for great character arcs for all parties involved. And it also would have given audiences a superhero battle royal unlike anything they could imagine. Maybe it's just my childhood love of a good old fashioned Royal Rumble PPV, but I think audiences would enjoy watching Tony Stark finally giving in to Captain America's demands of putting on the suit, or Thor and Hulk really getting a chance to have an all out brawl. Simply put, an Avengers film highlighted by the fracturing of the team because of philosophy and circumstance would have made a great follow-up to a film that was already brimming with friction between the individual characters. Using the Civil War story as a template such a film could have also had an interesting real life political allegory to make the festivities a little more than just a superhero smash up, and would have put Earth's Mightiest Heroes in an interesting spot to assemble against their largest threat in the end. Angry that Red Hulk or Tiger Shark didn't make the cut? Do you think Avengers vs. Avengers is a stupid idea? Sound off below, we want to hear what you think!

Writer, philosopher and evil-genius who loves writing about all things geek or newsy - while preparing for the inevitable robot-apocalypse. Trust me kids, it'll happen before the zombies. Follow him for non-sensical ramblings on Twitter @TheGospelofAsif.