5 War Movies That Portray The Horrors Of War Better Than Saving Private Ryan

2. Germany Year Zero (1948)

germany year zero Rossellini war trilogy is seen by many as the best trilogy ever. I can see why. Germany Year Zero is the last one of the trilogy and my personal favorite. There has been many war films which talks about post-war, pre-war or war time situations in allies countries, but I've never seen one that depicts the post-war situation of Germany. Anyone's bound to be disheartened watching this one. The greatest achievement of this movie is that it was able to successfully bring out the post-war Germany and all the affects the war had left behind from not just a political and economy standpoint but also from family and social point of views which is such an extraordinary thing to do in just one story. Then again, masters of the film world like Rossellini can't but help it can they? It's a real tragic story and cinematography and direction are I guess I could say Rossellini-esque and the aesthetics of it, I better not say! I won't go into details of the story but I must say kudos to Rossellini for making such a perfect neo-realistic film on such a massive subject. Everyone talks about the first two of the trilogy but it's "the one" for me.

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