5 Ways Marvel Could Reintroduce The Punisher

2. Punisher Vs Spider-Man

Punisher Vs Spidey1 How many of you remember The Punisher's first appearance in Marvel comics? We're guessing many of today's popcorn fans are blissfully unaware that it was as an antagonist in the Amazing Spider-Man comic #129 back in 1974. Castle was hired to track down the webbed wonder after he was implicated in the murder of Norman Osborn aka The Green Goblin. In this incarnation nothing was ever told about Castle's tortured past beyond his former career as a US Marine. There was simply no mention of the reason's he became a vigilante in the first place and certainly no talk of his wife and child being murdered and his bloody rampage of revenge that followed. Perhaps this would be a suitable way to reintroduce the character to today's audience in a far less R rated manner? Eventually Castle realised he was fighting the wrong enemy in the comics and went into business for himself which would be a fair way to bring him back at a future date in other Marvel movies and spin-off's.

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.