5 Ways Star Wars Prequels Are Better Than The Original Trilogy

1. We Know How The Story Ends

Audiences love surprises. Whether it is having a plot twist during the film, a character turning bad or becoming a hero unexpectedly, being caught off guard adds an interesting aspect to the movie experience. However there is something very unique about a story working in the reverse order. We already know how things end up. We already know who lives, who dies, and who makes the galaxy defining choices. But how did it get there? That was something we as fans spent endless hours envisioning ever since it was known that Lucas was planning to make a prequel trilogy. Everyone had their opinions on what Lucas would include in the movies, what he should include in the movies, and how certain plot points should happen. The prequel trilogy may not have lived up to everyone€™s expectation, but honestly how could they? As with anything as popular as Star Wars there were too many mouths to feed as far as pleasing them with the films. Lucas was doomed to fail from the beginning. The original trilogy was epic and groundbreaking. It was superior as a whole to the prequel trilogy. It had plot twists and the unexpected character becoming a hero. That being said the original trilogy was still the linear story we were accustomed to seeing in movies. We were introduced to the characters and followed them along the way for three movies as they started and concluded their journey. The only problem was that it wasn€™t the whole story Lucas was trying to tell us. It didn€™t have the back story. The prequel trilogy allowed us to see into the past of some of the characters we grew to know and love in the original trilogy. And in doing so we were able to find out how and more importantly why the galaxy far, far away came to be.
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