5 Ways To Make Us Care About The Guardians of the Galaxy Movie

1. Kill Them All

guardians of the galaxy Hear me out. I know it sounds harsh, but as I said before, no one expected a Guardians movie, and no one asked for it so it€™d be okay to make a bold move like this. If you make me fall in love with a charming Raccoon by the end of this picture and have that Raccoon killed at the hands of Thanos, then I€™m going to be super pumped for Hulk to smash the hell out of The Mad Titan. I know I said that this movie€™s sole purpose shouldn€™t be to tease The Avengers 2, but let€™s face it, if Thanos wasn€™t involved, would anyone be talking about Guardians of the Galaxy? Just as we grew to love Agent Coulson throughout Phase 1 only to have him killed by Loki, giving everyone more of a reason to hate him, make the Guardians the coolest team in the galaxy and then turn them into the sacrificial lambs for the Avengers 2. They don€™t have to go out like punks. Make them go out heroically. People will love you for it. Sometimes the good guys don€™t always win. It will establish Thanos as the biggest threat in the universe. If you let a Raccoon beat Thanos in the Guardians movie, then I€™m not buying that Iron Man should be worried about him at all. Give the Avengers something else to avenge. What do you think? Leave some comments.

Cristian Duran is a New York based stand-up comedian and writer. A pop culture junkie, he aims to one day become Batman