American (and their allies) tanks and ground vehicles have been using the Inter-Vehicle Information System, or IVIS, for several years now. This allows for several advantages on the battlefield. All friendly vehicles are plotted on the system with their locations, enabling not only commanders but also individual tanks to keep track of their comrades around them and their combat status. As intel comes in on the enemys positions, it is entered into the IVIS system, enabling all of the fighters to have access to the data. This tends to make the battles rather one-sided, but no one ever said warfare was fair. The technology is also being advanced to cover infantry as well, with soldiers carrying RIFD tags that broadcast their location and information to their sergeants and commanders. Data can be entered manually, but drones are increasingly being tasked to gather the intel and transmit it back to the monitoring systems, using heat signatures, motion tracking and other methods. Since they can also read the RIFD tags, they can reduce/eliminate the possibility of friendly fire. Given these battlefield advances, its not hard to see how they can be integrated into a Skynet defensive capacity. With machine reaction time being much faster than human, the Terminators will be able to process and act on intel much faster than their prey.