50 Greatest James Bond Moments Of All Time

5. Casino Royale: Madagascar Chase

The Spy Who Loved Me
Sony Pictures Releasing

There's no use beating around the bush here: Casino Royale's Madagascar chase scene is the best chase scene in James Bond history.

Not only is it an exhilarating and ingenious set-piece with sublime visuals, awe-inspiring stunts, dazzling free-running and more adrenaline than many action films could manage in two hours, but it's also a wickedly smart introduction for Craig's Bond.

It really shows the cunning and blunt nature of this incarnation of the character, and it also displays his flaws - his recklessness and his arrogance. This especially comes through at the end of the chase, where Bond humiliates his superiors by executing the man he was pursuing and attacking an embassy.

Basically, this is an action scene that's so insane you could watch it tens of times and never get bored, but the layers of meaning within all the punches and stunts are what made it the most brilliant chase Bond has ever partaken in.

It's an exceptional piece of action cinema that will have silenced everyone who doubted Craig as Bond only 15 minutes into the film... and somehow it's not quite the best scene in Casino Royale...


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.