50 Greatest Star Wars Movie Moments

4. Luke Burns His Father's Armor - Episode VI


I love this part of Return of the Jedi. Lucas could have done this in many different ways. He could have even had Luke leave Vader on the Death Star where he died. However, Luke manages to bring his father's body aboard the ship and get out just in time for the Death Star to explode so that he could give him a proper funeral on top of a blazing pyre.

As a kid, I always asked why Luke burns Vader. Someone told me that when you burn things you remember them for a long time. I don't know if that's true, but I'll surely remember this scene 'til the end of my days. Probably will help that I'll continue watching Star Wars 'til I'm dead, too.

aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation