50 Reasons Why Die Hard Is The Greatest Action Movie Of All Time

15. Another Rumble

Die Hard 37 Meanwhile, John has other things on his mind, as a vengeful Karl finally takes him on. Just as everything else is being slowly brought to the boil, so too are the fight scenes. Echoing John€™s encounter with Tony (Karl€™s brother), it€™s a case of well-trained soldier vs. street brawler. You really feel the blows as they lay into each other and crash around. And then, almost unthinkably, Karl gets a shot off and takes a chunk out of John€™s shoulder. Fragile already, you just don€™t expect a hero to take this much punishment. But he somehow prevails, drawing on the bravery and guts, and more than a little anger, to eventually string Karl up by his neck. It€™s a superb sequence, filmed at a distance that allows you to see and feel every kick, punch and gouge.

14. And, Yes, The FBI Guys Are Useless Too

Die Hard 38 Completing our useless authority figures, we have Agent Johnson and Special Agent Johnson. Of all the characters in the film, these perhaps border on the most formulaic €“ but they€™re just so funny that you can forgive that and enjoy their limited screen time. Robert Davi (later to be a pretty good Bond villain) in particular chews up the scenery, delivering stock macho lines, thinking they have the upper hand at all times, and generally doing stuff that plays right into Hans€™s hands (try saying that a few times). It€™s Die Hard€™s final point that, against smart terrorists, the €˜by the book€™ authorities get nowhere, other than in the way. And as a result, we know what€™s coming. Finally taking to the skies in trademark helicopters, doing their best to wipe out John, they get their fiery comeuppance as Hans literally takes the roof off.

13. Classic Dialogue #9

Die Hard 39 And as the FBI helicopter, along with its occupants, rains down in thousands of pieces, a brilliantly delivered line swings us from the horror of the deaths, to the black humour that runs through the film Dwayne T. Robinson: "We're gonna need some more FBI guys, I guess." I know it€™s coming, but every time it makes me laugh. As I mentioned earlier, I could have put dozens more quotes from the film here, but I only had 50 things to talk about, so only my faves got in.

12. The Roof Jump

Die Hard 40 It doesn€™t come much bigger or more spectacular than this. John being chased by an armed chopper, a roof about to blow, he does the only thing he can do - improvise. Okay, it€™s ludicrous when you think about it, but it€™s a scene about a guy backed into a corner trying to save his own life. It€™s an awesome sequence, the build up, the slo-mo jump, the stunt work, the roof erupting, his bloodied feet staining the glass, and because it looks so real its genuine heart-in-the-mouth stuff. And the lovely little coda, John seemingly saved and then dragged to the edge of the building by the very thing that has saved him - the fire hose - is a great twist.

11. Argyle€™s Fender Bender

Die Hard 41 He€™s a figure of fun for most of the film, but limo driver Argyle even gets in on the act to help save the day. Once again, it€™s about the little man taking on the bad guy and there€™s a real sense of delight, heralded by a perky little theme on the soundtrack, as he smashes head on into the getaway vehicle. The piece-de-resistance, his gleeful hop out of the car to fell Theo with one punch - something we€™ve all been wanting to do since we saw him. Argyle€™s mini-rebellion, complete with grin, gives us a little bit of hope.

I'm a Westcountry exile now living in Yorkshire with lovely wife and cats (also lovely). I'm a big fan of films, robots, timetravel, and films about timetravelling robots, as well as lots of other action, sci-fi and comedy. I'm currently trying to write a sitcom that doesn't involve robots, and I also blog nonsense on timolsky.blogspot.com. Thanks for taking the time to read my stuff, and feel free to comment.