50 Reasons Why Jack Nicholson Could Be The Greatest Living Actor

41. Has Starred In More Movies Then His Years

To date Nicholson has appeared in 75 movies, which means he has done more movies than his years. That's dedication! €”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€“

42. Turned Down The Career Derailing Role of Caligula

Jack smelt a rat when he was offered the titular part of Emperor Caligula in the erotically notorious snooze fest that became Bob Guccione's film. As a consequence the role went to Malcolm McDowell whose career never really survived the ill-fated experience. €”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€“

43. Respects The Role of a Director

"When I come up against a director who has a concept that I don't agree with, or maybe I just haven't thought of it or whatever, I'd be more prone to go with them than my own because I want to be out of control as an actor, I want them to have the control, otherwise it's going to become predictably my work, and that's not fun."

44. Makes Even Oscar Ceremony Drivel Sound Good

Take a look at the way Nicholson delivers this typically lame Oscar cue card drivel. It sounds way more interesting then it should. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sExcWgupkeA €”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€”€“

45. Turned Down A Part In The Godfather...

...to give more work to struggling Italian actors. If that ain't human, then I don't know what is!

Oliver Pfeiffer is a freelance writer who trained at the British Film Institute. He joined OWF in 2007 and now contributes as a Features Writer. Since becoming Obsessed with Film he has interviewed such diverse talents as actors Keanu Reeves, Tobin Bell, Dave Prowse and Naomie Harris, new Hammer Studios Head Simon Oakes and Hollywood filmmakers James Mangold, Scott Derrickson and Uk director Justin Chadwick. Previously he contributed to dimsum.co.uk and has had other articles published in Empire, Hecklerspray, Se7en Magazine, Pop Matters, The Fulham & Hammersmith Chronicle and more recently SciFiNow Magazine and The Guardian. He loves anything directed by Cronenberg, Lynch, Weir, Haneke, Herzog, Kubrick and Hitchcock and always has time for Hammer horror films, Ealing comedies and those twisted Giallo movies. His blog is: http://sites.google.com/site/oliverpfeiffer102/