50 Reasons Why Jaws Might Just Be The Greatest Film of All Time
11. Indianapolis Monologue
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91KeLe9zKWo 12. Quote
Heres to swimming with bow-legged women - Quint
13. "That's some bad hat Harry!"
It's one of those sequences that seem to get you every time. Brody is curiously surveying the surf for signs of shark; people pass by wiping the shot to focus in on Brody - drawing our attention to his gaze. He focuses in on something, the shot turns to a gargantuan women floating on the surface, then more people walk past wiping the shot for closer inspection. A black leathery object is seen approaching her. The shot flips back to a concerned Brody. Then back to reveal...that the black object is only a harmless swimming cap worn by a dithery old man. Cut to a shot of a deflated Brody looking foolish. But more fool us for being caught out for the hundredth time! Which leads to this; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSo5fNkNKlw 14. Killing of Kintner Kid
It's brisk, bloody and almost beautiful in a morbid and grisly sort of way. An underwater shot defines the first shark point-of-view. Then Williams' theme comes into play...we know someone's in trouble, the pov homes in closer and closer to the lilo, the music pounding furiously now. Then the shark takes its prey...within a quick gurgle of his own blood and guts Alex Kintner is plunged to his watery grave. Jaws Shot By Shot - Part 2 - the Kintner boy