50 Reasons Why The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Might Just Be The Greatest Film of all Time

41. Quote - A Dedicated Killer

"The pity is when I'm paid, I always follow my job through. You know that. " - Angel Eyes

42. The Title Itself

It's such a simple title, but it's also - despite the long running time - a very simple plot. You only have to look at how often the title has been parodied and referenced since its release to see how effective the title was, and how its become as much of a pop-culture phenomenon as the film itself. To this day the title is still frequently used as a satirical way of describing a group of people - from TV characters to a list of politicians.

43. The Trailer

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13EUXqIwDkQ It's a cool trailer, although the reason why it's so well remembered is that the narrator confuses Tuco as the bad and Angel Eyes as the ugly. I guess he personally felt that Eli Wallach was far more attractive than Lee Van Cleef.

44. Scene - The Desert

After being left in the middle of the desert by Blondie (he's not exactly a nice guy himself) Tuco manages to find his way to a nearby town - dehydrated and hungry for revenge. When he eventually tracks down Blondie - pulling off the same scheme with a different bandit - Tuco exacts a similar torture on Blondie by having him trek across the desert, leading to extreme dehydration and heat stroke. What really makes the scene classic outside of the great sun-drenched cinematography as Blondie is forced across the desert is how Tuco shows himself how much of a sniveling suck-up he really is. As soon as Blondie tells him that he knows the name of the grave in which the hidden loot is buried he rushes to his rescue, giving him water and bombarding him with endless compliments.
"Blondie..... Blondie.... Don't die ! I'm your friend !"

45. "Eastwood..... Clint, Eastwood"

Back To The Future director Robert Zemeckis is a huge Sergio Leone fan, and paid tribute to the director with the third part of his time traveling series. In it, Marty McFly (Michael J Fox) can be seen taking not only Eastwood's distinctive style of clothing from the 'Dollars Trilogy', but stealing the actors name by calling himself Clint Eastwood. Many of the shootouts and action sequences of 'Back To The Future Part III' are also stylistically shot in a similar way to those of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, while Marty's way of defeating Wild Dog Tannen is taken from 'A Fistful Of Dollars'.

Cult horror enthusiast and obsessive videogame fanatic. Stephen considers Jaws to be the single greatest film of all-time and is still pining over the demise of Sega's Dreamcast. As well regularly writing articles for WhatCulture, Stephen also contributes reviews and features to Ginx TV.