51 Reasons Why Gremlins Just Might Be The Greatest Film Of All Time...

11. It's More 80s Than A Snood Full of Leg-Warmers: And wasnt the 80s really the best decade? What do you mean no?! Mobile phones were massive, hair was more massive, cocaine was fashionable (and considerably purer than the soap powder you get now) and fashion was really cutting edge. And I'm not being sarcastic. 10. It Only Cost Pennies: Well comparatively speaking anyway. It only cost $11,000,000- in comparison to Ghostbusters $30m, and yet it only took $1.1m less in its opening weekend than its more showy counterpart. Overall for 1984 it ranks fourth in overall takings, behind Beverley Hills Cop (budget: $15m), Ghostbusters and Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom (budget: $28.17m ), but again comparatively speaking, falls behind only Beverley Hills Cop in terms of gross takings against budget. 9. The computer games.Gremlins- The Adventure on the Spectrum: fuck you, Microsoft and Sony and your next gen gaming experiences. I want clunky, slow-loading text based games. 8.

Sheriff Frank: Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand ugly monsters? Billy Peltzer: Well, you see, this is before it enters the pupal stage. Deputy Brent: The pupal stage? Billy Peltzer: Yeah, right. Plus it multiplies with water. Deputy Brent: Aw, Christ. Sheriff Frank: Brent give the kid some water. Billy Peltzer: I wouldn't do that, Sheriff.
7. Rumours of a Third: Part of me hopes they're unfounded, but along with the long-mooted Goonies 2, Gremlins 3 holds a special place in film lovers' hearts (just look at the online pages dedicated to the rumours)- as long as a film is adored with a level of fervour reserved for only the upper eschelons of audience acclaim, there will always be rumours of a new sequel, and until the franchise is killed off spectacularly by too many inconsequential and unnecessary sequels (like Home Alone) this phenomenon will continue to be a mark of greatness.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.