6 Awesome Villain Ideas For A Blade Reboot Movie

3. Blade's Evil Doppelganger

Having Blade's evil doppelganger as a villain in a new movie would be a cool way to reintroduce Deacon Frost - who had previously been played by Stephen Dorff in the original Blade movie - without making his inclusion repetitive. The doppelganger makes his first appearance when Blade and Hannibal King - who could be a supporting character again - are searching for Frost. Their trail leads them to an apartment and Hannibal suggests that they enter quietly. Blade, however, disagrees and decides to kick down the front door and burst in with wood knives drawn. He is shocked to find that the rumours circulating about Frost having a doppelganger of him are true. What is worse is that the doppelganger is a fully blown vampire. The doppelganger tells Blade that they will fight to the finish and that it will succeed in destroying Blade. They engage and Blade is shocked to see that the two start to fuse together upon physical contact. Hannibal King tries to rush to Blade's rescue, but he is too late and the merging process completes, with the vampire doppelganger in full control of their unified body. The film could see one actor playing both the titular Blade and his vampire double and could give Hannibal King a starring role in his quest to split the original Blade from his double. While a lot of people might argue that the story would result in a Hawkeye-esq under-utilising of a great character, it would certainly make for a unique comic book movie plot and, most importantly, would establish Blade as a character for future use, perhaps as part of S.H.I.E.L.D. or as part of a supernatural heroes team alongside Doctor Strange.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.