6 Awesome Villain Ideas For A Blade Reboot Movie

1. HYDRA's Department of Occult Armaments

HYDRA's Department of Occult Armaments (or DOA for short) seem like the perfect potential opponents for Blade in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. HYDRA already exists in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and it is only a matter of time before a supernatural division becomes evident - especially since, in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, it was specifically mentioned that HYDRA are looking to take out Doctor Strange, the master sorcerer. In the comic books, Blade took on HYDRA's DOA whilst with the Nightstalkers - a team composed of himself, Hannibal King and Frank Drake - so it would likely need to include the trio to make it anything like the source material and make Blade's threat to the organisation feasible. It has been the primary objective of HYDRA's Department of Occult Armaments to find a way to develop an army of vampiric warriors for HYDRA's terrorist army. The DOA attempted to create a vampire soldier prototype with a sample of Dracula's DNA. The character Bloodstorm One was born and, in turn, he savagely slaughtered everyone in the facility. He'd make a ruthless foe for Blade and his allies on film and would be a great physical representative for HYDRA's supernatural division. Crossbones - an established character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, after Brock Rumlow's appearance in Captain America: The Winter Soldier - has links to the DOA and could be included as one of their agents to face Blade. The DOA's introduction could also introduce great characters like Daimon Hellstrom and the Monsters of Evil - and anyone familiar with Marvel comic knows that any live action depiction of those would be awesome. So there you have it - six awesome villain ideas for a Blade reboot movie. Do you agree with any of these ideas? Who would you use as a villain in a reboot of the Blade movie franchise? Let us know in the comments box below.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.