6 Famous British Actors With Awful American Accents

5. Lauren Cohen - The Walking Dead (2010)

Maggiewalkingdead Although she started out life in Philadelphia, born and raised, on the playground... I'll stop - Cohen moved to Britain in her teens, and still speaks with quite a posh British accent in every interview she does. But you'd think her role in The Walking Dead - as farming-girl-turned-bad-ass Maggie Greene -would come quite easily, having lived in America, and having presumably seen and heard the Alabama accent from time to time? Well, apparently not. Unlike her fellow British co-stars Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes) and David Morrissey (The Governor), who have picked up the accent remarkably well, Cohen seems to fluctuate all over the place and she performs with a stereotypical and nauseating drawl, which makes me wish a Walker would just hurry the hell up and take a large chunk out of her neck to silence her. Perhaps the stresses of the zombie apocalypse are to blame, bamboozling her vocal chords?

Steven feels like a sociopath writing a bio about himself in third person, but it feels kind of nice, and he's sure he'll get used to it.