6 Financially Successful Movies That Killed Big Franchises

5. Alien: Resurrection

Budget: 75,000,000 Box Office: 161,580,410 Apparently franchise killers like to incorporate the word resurrection into their titles. The Alien series had been going strong for 18 years when it came to a screeching halt after this movie, and hasn't had a traditional entry in the series since. Followed up by a couple of crossover films with the predator series and a very loose prequel, all of whom have received a mixed reception. The series has a huge following and even though a sequel to Prometheus (the prequel) is planned there is no reason the original series couldn't continue as well. However there doesn't even seem to be any indications about the prospect becoming a reality. €œWe€™re looking at doing another one. Something similar to what we did with Aliens. A bunch of great characters, and of course Sigourney. I€™ve even discussed the possibility of putting him into the Alien movie€ -James Cameron The thing that is by far the most shocking is that a film directed by James Cameron and possibly featuring Arnold was allowed to slip through the cracks. Cameron at the time was already one of the most successful directors in the history of the business. He was likely to be able to get a blank check from almost any film studio if he asked for it at this point in his career. He had already made the first two Terminator movies, True Lies and Titanic. Yet somehow when he approached Fox about making the film and carried with him the strong possibility of incorporating one of the biggest film stars in the world (wIth whom he had already made several films) Fox did not jump all over it.

Growing up in London, Ontario, Canada, my parents & brothers started a love for movies and wrestling in me. Discovering comics in my early teens, I've become a pop culture junkie. I love to write about the all of it and am incredibly happy to be able to have people read it. My entertainment writing for the site news for shoppers can be found here: http://www.newsforshoppers.com/journalist/matthew-thomas/