1. They're Easily Mis-Used

Robin Williams TOYS, the ever-aging Small Soldiers and countless other curio-centred films have shown us that toys, in the wrong hands, can wreak destruction on innocents in an instant. Now, in the run-up to Christmas, a more paranoid man would be forgiven for thinking he was the only person savvy of an impending toy-invasion! Think about how often youre surrounded by these inanimate objects. Your little sisters bedroom, your childs nursery; take the wrong turn in your local supermarket and youre faced with a potentially nasty hoard on your hands. Especially with the modern militarys use of drones, were in an age where the idea of tailoring toys to the malicious will of some mentalist is becoming ever-more believable! But the
real fear of toys doesnt lie in the believability of their coming to life in some way or other. No, the
real fear lies in the fact that, despite years of televisual warnings, everybody is still vulnerable to being lulled into a false sense of security by toys innocence. The gas chamber scene in The Rock is a classic case in point. In a box full of miscellanea, Isherwood is still stupid enough to trust the perceived innocence of a doll! A bloody creepy doll, at that! Rather than look at it and think Crikey, thats a creepy doll, I should use the long tongs! He picks it up and begins to imitate whatever creepy voice he thinks the thing should have! Not only does he touch it, he mocks it too! Madness, and no wonder the thing opens its eyes and spews out noxious gas. Lets hope the FBI learned their lesson there!