6 Lessons That Warner Bros. Must Learn For Suicide Squad 2

5. Kill More Squad Members

Harley Quinn Suicide Squad
Warner Bros.

Only one (minor spoilers) member of the Suicide Squad is killed by Flag and Waller in the first film so the squad didn’t feel disposable.

The stakes would be higher if it was made clear several members would die throughout the film, especially if there are fewer squad members to begin with. Slimming the film down to just a small handful of characters and killing half of them would shock the audience into caring about the plot (because let's face it, a solo Captain Boomerang film isn't going to happen).

Warner Bros. Pictures Not only would this create suspense, but it would make Amanda Waller and Rick Flag more intimidating than in the first film, where kills felt glossed over, hesitant and rushed.

We don’t need to see the gore, but putting a greater focus on the ability to kill the squad would create empathy between the audience and the squad, especially if Waller kills one over a small detail such as a minor insult.
