6 Major Problems With The Movie Industry (That Show How Dumb Hollywood Thinks You Are)

6. You.

So you read this list and it gets you good and angry. You hate the crushing sameness of Hollywood product, and you hate the cynical attitude of the executives that results in that product being produced. You are part of the problem. Yes, you. How often do people make excuses for going to see movies they think will be bad? How often have you heard (or said) something like, €œIt looks dumb, but€€ €œThat€™s a bad idea for a movie, but€€ €œThe movie looks bad but it has€in it, so I may as well check it out€€ €œYeah, that seems like a dumb movie, but there€™s nothing else out there, so€€ The hoops that people will go through to justify their enjoyment of a film are staggering. Turn your brain off at the door, it€™s not supposed to be Shakespeare, you didn€™t watch it right, it€™s supposed to be stupid, what did you expect, just focus on the special effects€ Stop it. Stop justifying laziness and stupidity. Stop accepting the lowest common denominator because it€™s what you are used to. Stop forking over your hard-earned money to pay Hollywood to crap on your face and then expect you to say, €œThank You.€ It€™s easy to blame Hollywood for bad movies. It€™s easy to stare at staggering budgets and idiotic concepts and shake your head at the dumbness of it all. But those movies, and these problems, only exist BECAUSE THE CONSUMERS REWARDS HOLLYWOOD FOR DOING THAT STUPID STUFF. It€™s like the people who blame fast food for the rise in obesity, forgetting that no one FORCES you to wolf down a couple Big Macs, and to then wash that down with 40 oz. sodas. No one FORCES you to reward Hollywood for slapping some movie stars into a gritty fairy tale and then CGI-ing some fireballs in the background. The poison you eat is the poison you chose. Choose wisely. What do you think? Is Hollywood broken? Share your thoughts below...
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Brendan Foley is a pop-culture omnivore which is a nice way of saying he has no taste. He has a passion for genre movies, TV shows, books and any and all media built around short people with hairy feet and magic rings. He has a Bachelor's degree in Journalism and Writing, which is a very nice way of saying that he's broke. You can follow/talk to/yell at him on Twitter at @TheTrueBrendanF.