6 Movie Roles That Got People Fired

4. An Imam Was Fired From A Mosque For Filming A Marriage Scene - Haider

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UTV Motion Pictures

2014's Indian crime drama film Haider is a contemporary adaptation of Shakespeare's Hamlet, and while a massive critical and commercial success, proved controversial for its depiction of human rights abuses at the hands of Indian armed forces.

Furthermore, an Imam who appeared in the film, Ghulam Hassan Shah, was consequently fired from his job as the prayer leader at a Nowhatta mosque, a position he had held for eight years.

Shah's small role in the film saw him performing a Muslim marriage ceremony.

Presumably Shah's bosses didn't much care for him showing his face in such a politically incendiary piece of work. According to Shah the firing severely affected his standing in local community, leaving few willing to still take prayers with him.

Shah claimed that he was told the footage was being shot for an educational film, and went on to take legal action against director Vishal Bhardwaj, demanding both an apology and compensation to recoup lost earnings.

There's no word online about the eventual legal outcome, sadly.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.