6 Movies That Sold Themselves On Butts Alone

4. Black Snake Moan

Blacksnakemoan2 While it might be wrong to classify Black Snake Moan as an excuse to see Christina Ricci writhe around in her panties, it's also somewhat fitting. The film's plot centers on Samuel L. Jackson, a religious farmer who tries to change Ricci's promiscuous lifestyle by chaining her up in his home and keeping her perpetually pants-less. Seriously, from start to finish, there's no bigger star in Black Snake Moan than Christina Ricci's panties. Of course, Ricci's "look" ties into her character's almost abrasive sexuality, so it's not without reason. And both her and Jackson give stellar, underrated performances throughout, alternatively glorifying an immoral lifestyle and then exploring its pitfalls. Still, that's not what was used to sell this movie.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.