1. The Break-Up
Raise your hand if you would pay $10 to see Jennifer Aniston's bare backside? Now keep it up if you would be willing to sit through 90 minutes of her and Vince Vaughn grimacing at each other just to see it. Great, now we know who actually saw The Break-Up in theaters. Thanks for that. The former Friends star has recently been enjoying a major career resurgence in film, due (in no small part) to her rabid embrace of her own sexuality. She's flaunted just about every section of skin she has over the last few years, and that all began with The Break-Up. The PG trailers for movie promised something just off screen as an identifiably nude Aniston struts past her dumbstruck ex-boyfriend. And though there wasn't much
else out of frame, guys who were forced to sit through this garbled mess of a rom-com were likely left satisfied, finally seeing the top half of Rachel Green's bottom.