6 “Original” Films You Didn’t Realise Were Actually Remakes

2. The Roommate


Speaking of teensploitation rip-offs, here€™s a PG-13 version of Single White Female that excises all the blood, nudity and thrills from Barbet Schroeder€™s 1992 film, which wasn€™t that great to begin with.

The Roommate is really the Beverly Hills 90210 of psychothrillers €“ there€™s no plot, and no characterisation beyond good and evil, so it€™s just 91 minutes about the lives of good-looking people you couldn€™t care less about. They wear the clothes the producers want you to buy, listen to the CD soundtrack and chase the MTV Awards demographic, who nominated Minka Kelly in the Best Scared-As-Sh*t Performance category.

Because we€™re talking PG-13, Rebecca (Leighton Meester), the movie€™s ersatz Jennifer Jason Leigh, conducts the kind of bloodless rampage unseen since the days of Poverty Row quickies. When she€™s not subtly suggesting her fragile mental state by stabbing the furniture, Ersatz Jennifer is blackmailing The Creepy Teacher or threatening The Slut which, considering she€™s about as menacing as a Smurf riding a unicycle, proves remarkably successful.


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'