6 Possible Origins For Ultron In The Avengers 2

Ultron At San Diego Comic-Con in July of this year, it was announced that the sequel to the huge hit movie The Avengers would be subtitled "Age of Ultron", with James Spader later being cast in the role of the robot villain. The first teaser trailer has been released fairly recently as well, but it gives very little away, which leaves us with the question of how Ultron will come to be in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. There are numerous versions of the character in the comics - most of which are created by Hank Pym - and it remains to be seen if the movie version takes Ultron's origin from the comics or gives him entirely new origins. With that in mind, here are six possible origins for Ultron in the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Avengers sequel...

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.