6 Reasons Why The Dark Knight Rises Complaints Should Be Put To Rest

3. No Joker Is Also A Good Thing

Joker1 I'm going to keep this distinct reason brief and simple, for I see it as a no-argument-needed type of scenario (despite all the previous and upcoming reasons). Everyone who reads this list no doubt holds TDK up there with the best. Christopher Nolan not only delivered one of the finest films of all time, but casted the perfect Joker in Heath Ledger. His transcending talent and need to push the character farther than ever before really drove home the film for a lot of people, and due to his unfortunate death fans were scared a third film would never be made - or that TDK wouldn't be released. But Nolan went for a third film against his own wishes, for he saw a way to end it all and bring a worthy conclusion to the story. One of the bullets he wanted to dodge was not mentioning or referencing Heath's Joker out of respect. Although rumours circulated that unused footage from TDK would be added to crowbar the Joker into the film, Nolan was persistent on keeping the Joker out of the big picture, laying Heath's legacy to rest in the process. I've seen and heard people complain about this decision, and I'm surprised that they don't see the logic behind it all. We all know Heath put in the performance of a lifetime and how much we'd all love to see it again, but leaving no stone unturned with TDKR honors the actor in more ways than people might be considering.

Ryan Glenn is an amateur writer in pursuit of a career in both the writing and graphic design fields. He currently attends the Art Institutes of Illinois and looks to go back for a degree in journalism. A reader of an exhaustive library of books and an adept music and video game lover, there's no outlet of media that he isn't involved in or doesn't love.