4. An Intelligent Director For An Intelligent Story
Inception was an absolute monster of a film that took the viewers mind and bent it like a broken thumb. It made everyone wonder how they could get awesome dreams that didnt have a magician blowing bubbles with little spiders in them at you (its not funny, okay?!). It was hugely successful, intelligent and people still debate its ending to this day (spoilers: it was the man in the Members Only jacket). Next comes Interstellar and Nolan cements himself as the thinking mans blockbuster director. Nolan can do high concept science-fiction and Akiras concepts are as high a giraffes hat. Government experiments turning children into ridiculously powerful wielders of telekinesis is definitely something Nolan could sink his teeth into. He will even be able to focus more on using visual style as exposition, something that the anime/manga did extremely well. Inception was exposition heavy but Interstellar was less so and if Akira has the time to breathe over a trilogy, then Nolan will be able to follow suit with the original tale and reveal more details as the story unfolds. Hes getting better at mastering the art of exposition and he may not even need Michael Caine as a mouthpiece for this movie. Which would save us all about twenty minutes of slow precise dialogue in a cockney accent.