6 Reasons Why Midnight In Paris Was Woody Allen’s Best Movie in Years

3. Nostalgia Is Better Than It Used To Be

Watching a man moan about the ills of his own time, wishing to be somewhere else a bit better, in a time which was simpler and more in tune with his personality doesn't sound like fun. But Midnight in Paris came at a time when perhaps more people than before were feeling the same. What with the credit crisis, unemployment and wankers (sorry, bankers) still getting bonuses, it's all a bit much. Me personally, I would shoot off to 1950s America and drive a car the size of a house to the dance hall to hear the King in his prime. Or maybe to the drive- in movies to catch North by North West for the first time or Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Maybe I would just accuse the neighbours of being Communists and see what happened next. Either way, the premise of Midnight in Paris hit a nerve and I was as hooked with Gil and his search for never never land as Adriana was when hearing the first line of his book.

Mike was once able to go a whole day using sporting cliches and famous film quotations for language. He enjoys gaming, watching football, international cinema and Hollywood blockbusters.