6 Reasons Why Midnight In Paris Was Woody Allen’s Best Movie in Years

1. It Was Funny

So you are a funny man? Ok, make me laugh. That embodies the burden a comedic writer has to endure. It€™s a heavier burden than being labelled an action man or a siren of the screen. Well, I always at least snigger to Woody Allen's wry sardonic wit, but laugh out loud? Mmmm, it had been a while. Imagine my delight then when I laughed at least five times when watching Midnight in Paris and spent the rest of the movie in appreciation of farce, situational comedy gems and some surreal moments. For me, Gil€™s encounter with Salvador Dali is an absolute classic.

Mike was once able to go a whole day using sporting cliches and famous film quotations for language. He enjoys gaming, watching football, international cinema and Hollywood blockbusters.