6 Star Wars: The Force Awakens Theories You Probably Haven’t Heard

2. The Cast Of Rogue One Are The Knights Of Ren

I love this theory, as it gives so much more legitimacy to the need for a spinoff movie about X-Wing fighter pilots (other than, 'a movie entirely about X-Wing fighter pilots would be freaking awesome'). The idea is that there is enough repeating imagery in the promo shot for Rogue One found again in that shot we see of Ren and his fellow Knights in The Force Awakens to warrant some, or all of the characters being one and the same. Basically some enterprising Imgurian has pointed out that the staff that Donnie Yen holds in the Rogue One image is awful similar to a weapon boasted by one of the knights, and that there are a number of potential dopplegangers for the man with the robot arm seen standing to the left of Ren in that still. Blurry, sure, but the shapes are there. Have a look for yourself: http://imgur.com/MenxV3N There's some additional stuff which can be inferred here from other sources; like the fact that Adam Driver went on record saying the Knights of Ren " a group that existed before him" and that talking about it was "really tricky". Maybe the fact that he's not allowed to talk about it because it's a big f*cking spoiler for Rogue One and Episode VIII? Who could say? If these Rogue One cast members really are the Knights of Ren, they'd be Luke/Leia/Han's age by the time the new trilogy rolls around, chronologically. And there were rumours that a character in Episode VII was an older version of an existing character... except maybe that character only currently exists in the script for Rogue One. Dun dun dun! In any event, it's a cool theory that would neatly tie the first spinoff to the new trilogy, and there's enough story possibilities inherent in the link to make for some potentially awesome movie moments. I'm sold on the idea.

Cinephile since 1993, aged 4, when he saw his very first film in the cinema - Jurassic Park - which is also evidence of damn fine parenting. World champion at Six Degrees of Separation. Lender of DVDs to cheap mates. Connoisseur of Marvel Comics and its Cinematic Universe.