7 Actors Who Rejected Movies For Being Too Evil (And Regretted It)

6. Denzel Washington - Se7en

John Lithgow Joker
Warner Bros.

Denzel Washington was originally offered the role of Detective David Mills in David Fincher's Se7en, as was of course ultimately played so brilliantly by Brad Pitt, enough that it's tough to imagine another actor playing the part.

All the same, the offer to Washington went out first, but the actor ended up turning it down due to his misgivings over the bleak nature of the material. In a 2018 Thrillist interview, he said:

"I turned down Seven. They wanted me to play the Brad Pitt role. I thought the script was too demonic."

But Washington certainly changed his tune once he sat down and watched the movie for himself:

"Then I saw the movie, and I was like 'Aw. I blew it.' But it's worked out alright."

While Washington's career certainly didn't suffer for turning down Se7en and it's evidently not a decision that haunts him at night, it's nevertheless a crying shame that film lovers missed out on seeing Denzel work with David Fincher while co-starring opposite Morgan Freeman.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.