7 Actors Who Went Through Incredible Body Transformations (But Not For The Movie You Think)

5. Henry Cavill - Immortals NOT Man Of Steel

Henry Cavill Immortals Man of Steel
Relativity Media & Warner Bros.

Much like Tom Hardy, Henry Cavill seemingly went to extreme measures to give himself the bodacious physique befitting a larger-than-life comic book character, in this case the Man of Steel himself, Superman.

There's no questioning that Cavill's hulking stature was a far cry from his more modest prior figure - that is to say, looking like a totally regular (but insanely handsome) guy.

Except, Cavill had a major leg-up given that, immediately prior to starting his training regimen for Man of Steel, Cavill had completed shooting the 2011 fantasy epic Immortals, which required Cavill to look like, well, the mythically shredded Greek warrior Theseus.

Though Cavill clearly gained extra mass to better resemble a literal demigod in Man of Steel, Cavill's intensely committed transformation for Immortals ensured that the most arduous part of the process was already done.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.