7 Actors Who Went Through Incredible Body Transformations (But Not For The Movie You Think)

1. Zac Efron - Neighbors NOT Baywatch

Zac Efron Baywatch Neighbors
Universal & Paramount

You needn't be a fan of High School Musical or 17 Again to know that, as a young man, Zac Efron was a naturally slender guy who cut the furthest thing imaginable from an Adonis-tier physique.

But Efron blew up on social media over his eye-popping transformation for 2017's Baywatch, where the actor looked so vascular and sculpted as to even give his man-mountain co-star Dwayne Johnson a run for his money.

The attention Efron received for his role in the film was intense enough to suggest that many forgot he began his musclebound journey several years prior.

Efron actually debuted his chunky new look in 2014's hit comedy Neighbors, and subsequently put his statuesque figure to good use in the likes of Dirty Grandpa and Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising before shooting Baywatch.

Comparing Efron's physique in Neighbors and Baywatch, there's really not much difference at all, and his more venous look in Baywatch is largely a result of "flushing" - that is, dehydrating himself for 12 hours before shooting to ensure maximum visible definition.

Though even Efron himself admitted that the size he reached for Baywatch was "unrealistic," if you fed the guy a jug or two of water, he'd more or less look like his less-terrifying Neighbors character.


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