7 Amazing True Stories That Deserve To Be Made Into Films

6. The Wolves Of Paris

In 15th Century Paris, a marauding pack of wolves breached the city walls in the dead of winter and ran rampant across the city, killing and devouring over forty people. A particularly harsh season had left them in want of prey, and so the wolves were forced to venture into the heavily-populated city, where in the past they would have been too fearful to venture. Led by an Alpha with a short tail and flashes of red in its fur, known to locals as Corteaud (meaning 'Bobtail'), it's unknown how many wolves were active in the pack. Whatever the case, it was a large enough number that it took a small militia of angry Parisians to take them on. The angry locals had decided enough was enough, and lured Corteaud and the other wolves to the public square outside the Notre Dame where they fought, with the Parisians winning the day with spears and stones. How To Make It The story of the Wolves of Paris is perfect for cinematic adaptation, suitably starting as a horror film; the initial attacks on the Parisian populace are ripe for effective horror staging, as most will agree that there are few things more terrifying in the animal kingdom than a pack of wolves. The film could follow the concerned citizens as they ultimately decide to trap and fight the beasts - a climax that would make for an action-packed finale. Somebody call Joe Carnahan and Liam Neeson.
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Cinephile since 1993, aged 4, when he saw his very first film in the cinema - Jurassic Park - which is also evidence of damn fine parenting. World champion at Six Degrees of Separation. Lender of DVDs to cheap mates. Connoisseur of Marvel Comics and its Cinematic Universe.