7 Awesome Actors Who Just Made 7 Bad Movies In A Row

5. Mickey Rourke

Ashby Mickey Rourke
Paramount Pictures

The Seven Awful Movies: The Expendables (2010), 13 (2011), Immortals (2011), Black November (2012), Java Heat (2013), Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) and Ashby (2015)

This list of seven movies is honestly being pretty generous to the Oscar nominee, because he's also got numerous surely-terrible straight-to-video movies to his name that critics largely didn't even bother reviewing, such as The Courier (2012), Dead in Tombstone (2013), Skin Traffik (2015), War Pigs (2015), Blunt Force Trauma (2015) and Weaponised (2016).

After enjoying a brief career resurgence with 2005's Sin City and scoring major awards plaudits for 2009's The Wrestler, Rourke starred in Iron Man 2 and then quickly disappeared back into Hollywood's bad movie dungeon from which he's been unable to escape.

It's infuriating considering how insanely talented he is, but it's likely that the bridges he burned in Hollywood decades ago are largely irreparable.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.