1. Steel
Shaquille O'Neal has spoiled Steel for good. It's that simple. For the foreseeable future, no one will ever be able to take a Steel movie seriously thanks to the sheer hideousness of the 1997 attempt. Vastly underpowered in comparison to the comic book version and wearing a ridiculous suit, Steel was an awful, awful movie and should not be reattempted. DC have enough superheroes who are far superior in every way - including popularity - to go with before even thinking another Steel movie is a good idea. It would feel far too much like a pathetic attempt to emulate Marvel's Iron Man successes and, let's face it, Steel is a far inferior character. So there you have it; Seven comic book movies that deserve a reboot and six that don't. Do you agree? Which other comic book movies deserve or don't deserve a reboot? Let us know in the comments box below! And please feel free to follow me on