7 Up-And-Coming Directors Attached To Huge Hollywood Movies

3. Josh Trank

What Put Him On The Map: 2012's Chronicle What He's On Now: 2015's The Fantastic Four This is the one director on the list I am the least familiar with. The second found footage entry I've talked about thus far, Chronicle was a little film that found massive success... and one that I haven't seen yet. But considering it took me 4 years to watch Cloverfield after its release, I should get around to watching Josh Trank's directorial debut in, oh, 2016 or so. By that time, his Fantastic Four reboot will have come and gone, but that doesn't mean I'm any less excited about the project. The only thing that kind of stinks about this deal is that Marvel isn't doing it. But on the plus side, if any superhero team ever needed a reboot, it's this one. Tim Story's uninspired 2005 effort was painfully executed, horribly miscast, and needlessly fluffy. Another potential positive is that critically-acclaimed Fruitvale Station star (and Chronicle alum) Michael B. Jordan is rumored to be playing the role of Johnny Storm (aka The Human Torch), which would add some seriously needed diversity to the pale, pale world of superhero films. I mean, the last time we saw Johnny Storm he was looking an awful lot like Captain America, and it doesn't get much whiter than that.

Writer and filmmaker from the west side of the Mitten state. Founder of Book of Matches Media, an independent production collective dedicated to creating interesting and meaningful art in a variety of mediums. Husband to Michelle and father of two young lads, Carter Edison Young and Nolan Sirius. A lifelong music maker and a dreamer of the dreams.