7 Deadly (And Annoying) Sins Commited By Moviegoers

7. Answering Your Phone

Phone I'll start off by saying there are different levels in this sin. Level 1 is the person at the cinema who has their phone on silent but routinely checks it/ responds to text messages throughout the movie. It isn't so bad for the cinema in general, but the light is annoying to the people sitting in their area. Level 2 is the person that forgets to put their phone on silent and receives a message/phone call through the movie. Now it isn't the people around you that you've disturbed €“ the whole cinema has been subjected to your ringtone as you scrambled to stop the noise on your phone as quickly as possible. It goes to level 2 and a half if you have an annoying ringtone. Level 3 is the down right a-hole in the movie cinema. Not only does this person "forget" to put their phone on silent, they answer the call. Every movie cinema has the warning before films these days to either turn your phone off, or turn it on silent. This person actively answers the phone, either with the quick "can't talk, in a movie" or the "wait, I'm in a film, let me climb over people I've just annoyed by answering my phone, spoiling more of their movie experience while I noisily make my way out of the cinema to talk to you" jerk. While level 3 is obviously worse than level 1, there really is no excuse for you to fall anywhere in these levels. There is a clear message at the start of pretty much every movie these days which asks you kindly to switch your phone off or on silent. For those that are phone checkers throughout the movie, you are there to watch the film, not look at your phone, and if you don't like the film, at least be respectful to the people around you to not ruin their experiences by checking your phone every 5 minutes.
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While Edan has predominantly studied History and Politics, he also has a deep affection for all things sports, and has been a fan of the wrestling since he was a child, and often had several of the professional wrestlers moves tried out on him by his older brother. Growing up in Melbourne, Australia, Edan is a passionate supporter of the Carlton Football Club in the AFL, and is a fan of Kane in the WWF/WWE. Edan also watches The Newsroom, Game of Thrones, Community, How I Met Your Mother, The League, Big Bang Theory, and Arrow.