7 Famous Movie Courtroom Scenes (And How They Are Wrong In Real Life)

4. A Time To Kill (1996) - Jake's Closing Argument

A few Good Men
Warner Bros.

The only scene from the film you're sure to remember. It is one of the most well-known, most-quoted, most-referenced closing arguments in the history of film and television. It is one of the most passionate, persuasive, and emotional speeches to ever grace the screen.

And it would never happen in real life.

Jake Tyler Brignance, played by Matthew McConaughey, is seeking a not guilty verdict by reason of insanity. First, as a quick aside, criminal insanity for a not guilty verdict would be a longshot of a defense.. There is a defense to murder that Brignance probably should have been pursuing instead, and that is known as "Heat of Passion Manslaughter." But that's a discussion for another time.

In any event, Jake is shooting for an insanity verdict. Yet by listening to his closing argument, you wouldn't know it. He doesn't use the word "insane" or "insanity" once. Not once.

And for good reason. Purposefully seeking revenge doesn't make a person insane. In fact, plotting revenge takes planning and thought - the opposite of insanity. Sure, they were blinded by rage and acting recklessly, but that's a little different. Regardless, a criminal defense attorney would be better at catering his closing argument to the defense he has actually presented at trial.


Jack of all trades, master of none. Husband, attorney, writer, and father-to-be.