7 Famous Movie Scenes That Only Existed To Save Money

4. Deadpool: Wade Wilson Forgets His Guns

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When Deadpool tools up with enough firearms to cater for an army ahead of the film's final showdown, everyone had a good laugh when he left his arsenal inside a taxi.

It's a decent gag that has some mileage as Slade Wilson desperately attempts to get the cabbie on the phone so he can reclaim his misplaced guns, but it was only written in to save 20th Century Fox $7 Million.

Funnily enough, the studio felt an R-rated superhero movie full of gory headshots and dick jokes was something of a risk, so budget cuts late in the game forced director Tim Miller to write in a stripped-down final battle with fewer guns and explosions.

The number of villainous henchmen was also trimmed and plans to include a motorcycle chase were binned, but at least the fans got to laugh at Deadpool's forgetfulness instead.

Based on how much cash the movie ended up raking in, the Merc With a Mouth won't have to leave his guns behind in next year's Deadpool 2.


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