The 1993 film Demolition Man is underrated and awesome. Set in 2032, it predicts how we'll live in the future, being fined for cursing and using wonderful new technology, like shells to clean our backsides - I'd still love to know how the shells work. Frankly, it's a visionary piece of cinema, it even predicted that Wesley Snipes would be a convict. There's even an Arnold Schwarzenegger politician joke in there. Oh, if only they knew. So far, none of the technological predictions have come to fruition, yet. We're still almost 20 years away. But Demolition Man did see get something right. Check out the scene where police pull up a list of 'crypto-prisoners' in Los Angeles, essentially the future version of death row, the place where the worst of the worst criminals are banished to. We see a quick shot of the list, and just above Snipes' character is the name Scott Peterson. Now, that name may be familiar to those in the United States or anyone who watches daytime, made for TV films starring Dean 'Superman' Cain with awful hair dye. But for those in the dark: In 2004, Scott Peterson killed his wife and unborn child in California and was imprisoned and sentenced to death. It was a lengthy investigation, which took the US media by storm and Peterson, still on the row, still pleads his innocence. The Crypto- prison also happens to be in the Los Angeles area and is essentially the death row of 2032. So if Demolition Man is to be believed, Scott Peterson still be alive and locked up in 19 years time. Sure, it's probably just the name of someone one of the crew knows, but predict Schwarzenegger as a politician, after all. Think back to 1993, this was a year before he played a pregnant man in the abysmal Junior. How could they have known? We'll be seeing the shells soon. Mark my words.
Ian is a North Eastern lad who has written across a variety of mediums. An avid tea drinker with a custard cream addiction, Ian is the guardian of five foot tall inflatable penguin called Kevin.