7 Golden Rules To Revive The Fantastic Four Franchise

1. Take The Action Back To New York

In the comics, Marvel€™s first family are as much a part of the tapestry of New York City as Central Park, Macy€™s or the Rockefeller Centre, so to have them spend so much of their latest outing in drab, generic military bases was never going to feel true to the spirit of the team. For the FF to work they need to live and breath the city in the way that Sam Raimi€™s Spider-Man or the Ghostbusters films did. This was actually on of the things that the original films actually did quite well, showing the team living in the Baxter building, their natural environment. It€™s all very well to have groups like the Avengers or X-Men go on country-wide or globe-trotting adventures but the FF needs to establish themselves on home soil first before exploring the more cosmic and outlandish elements of the franchise like the Negative Zone and their frequent interactions with Uatu, The Watcher. There€™s huge scope for any future Fantastic Four Films to explore but there needs to be a natural progression; to believe that these four extraordinary individuals can take on an ancient planet eating being or a whole race of shape-shifting aliens we need to see them proving themselves first and settling into their new lives in familiar surroundings. New York isn€™t just an important touchstone for the Marvel Universe, it€™s a character in itself and it should always be part of the Fantastic Four cast on the page and on the screen. Do you think the Fantastic Four franchise can be revived? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.