Django Unchained: 7 Historical Inaccuracies

5. Weaponry

The Movie: There's one heck of an impressive armoury at work in Django Unchained. Throughout the course of the movie, you'll be able to glimpse both Django and Dr. King Schultz using a Sharps Cavalry Carbine and a Henry 1860. For their secondary weapons, both Django and Dr. King Schultz use Cobra "Big Bore" Derringers to dispatch of their unsuspecting victims. The History: A spaghetti western wouldn't be a spaghetti western without a host of anachronistic weapons at large, and Django Unchained is no exception. None of the aforementioned weapons existed in 1858, the most noteable of which - the Cobra "Big Bore" Derringer - didn't exist in such a form until the 1980s. The Sharps Cavarly Carbine was first produced in 1874, whilst the Henry 1860 - well, you can guess what year that weapon first emerged (it's in the name).

All-round pop culture obsessive.